
A Guide to Number Masking for Securing Sensitive Information in Call Centers

Data privacy is a top concern for brands and their customers in a society where everything is available online. This is because cyber-attacks and data breaches affect thousands of people worldwide. Attackers can hack into social media accounts, bank accounts, emails, and other accounts when they can access sensitive data, particularly phone numbers. It is crucial to safeguard consumer information, particularly their phone number. They frequently cite their phone number as a specific example. Phone numbers are essential data commonly left unprotected, whether they belong to a consumer, a seller, or a delivery person. By obtrusively hiding each party’s phone number, call masking can prevent this issue. In this post, you can explore the guide to number masking for securing sensitive information in call centers:

Working of Call Masking

  • Call masking India enables parties to place calls using fictitious numbers without disclosing their actual phone numbers to one another while on the phone. Parties can converse via SMS while maintaining the secrecy of their phone numbers using the same application.
  • This method employs a middle number to route calls to the user’s actual number. For instance, call masking technology can make it appear to the customer that a call is coming from 111 111 11 11 while routing the call to the seller at 222 222 22 22. Similarly, when callers try to reach the caller, the other end sees the masking number, 111 111 11 11, rather than the caller’s actual number.
  • In most circumstances, a created intermediate number is used for a set amount of time in applications where calls are made via call masking. For instance, the validity of the number lasts until the delivery is finished in an application used for supermarket orders. The utilized numbers are recycled and given to new recipients after the delivery is completed.

Call Masking Advantages 

While call masking is primarily used for privacy purposes, several small advantages make it a great business option. Below you can look into the benefits of number masking for your business:

  • Secured Interaction 

Using call masking software is preferable to engaging third-party operators. The risk of disclosing a person’s phone number increases if a third-party service provider is involved. You can conduct private business without fear of a data leak because call masking is available.

  • Customer Satisfaction

In contrast to previous generations, the modern client is particularly concerned about the privacy of their data and will go to any lengths to protect it. Giving your phone number to someone you will just speak to for a short time is awkward. When creating a business-related interaction, most clients prefer not to have to give out their phone numbers. As a result, call masking is helpful in sectors like taxi services, mobility services, delivery services, and healthcare, where clients must phone the service representative. Knowing their numbers are protected gives these clients a sense of security and trust when using these services.

Famous Use Case of Number Masking

Due to its massive benefits, many industries are urged to use number masking to protect customer data. Here you can see the use case of the number masking:

  • Transport & Riding App

With the aid of number masking solution, drivers and passengers can communicate without disclosing their actual phone numbers. As the use of these apps increases, it is critical to protect both parties’ personal information. Calling one another and sharing locations is simple for the passenger and driver.

  • Delivery Agent

The two parties involved in a delivery frequently need to communicate. However, it would be ideal to do so without disclosing their personal contact information. The product deliverer can transmit updates more easily with call masking. Alternatively, it might assist them in reaching the customer at critical moments.

  • Healthcare Industry

It is crucial to be accessible to patients for some healthcare workers. Physicians and doctors frequently allow patients to get in touch with them directly. However, they don’t always want to share their phone numbers, even if they must be accessible. Call masking helps to safeguard the doctor without endangering their security.

Summing It Up

To protect the privacy and anonymity of the parties involved, masking your phone number is a requirement for any company that handles sensitive data or information like personal cell numbers, whether it be a dating site, e-commerce platform, or cab-sharing service. From the above points, you have learned the guide to number masking for securing sensitive information in call centers. 

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