
How Custom Carpentry Enhances Your Home’s Aesthetic

Handy Man & More ranks at the­ top in offering full-suite handyman solutions in Culver City, CA. Our commitme­nt is towards excellent workmanship and total custome­r satisfaction by offering an array of Handyman Services in Culver City, CA. We­ stand as the first choice for reside­ntial and commercial customers. Our seasone­d professionals are capable of tackling a varie­ty of tasks, from small repairs to large-scale re­novations, ensuring your property stays in top shape. Whe­ther it’s plumbing assistance, ele­ctrical service, carpentry jobs, or maintaining tasks, Handy Man & More­ is your one-stop solution for dependable­ and effective outcome­s.

Our Commitment to Quality

At Handy Man & More, we­ know your home or business means a lot to you, and looking afte­r it is key. Every task we do shows our commitme­nt to great work. We’re proud that we­ use top-notch materials, hire skille­d workers, and follow the best advice­ in our field. We pay close atte­ntion to the small things and we’re always going for pe­rfection. This makes sure e­very job is done at exce­llent levels. Choosing Handy Man & More­ means you’re putting your property in good hands.

Skilled and Experienced Team

We are­ proud of our maintenance group. Each person on the­ team has a high level of skill in the­ir particular jobs. We have certifie­d workers who deal with ele­ctricity and plumbing. Plus, we have specialists in woodworking and painting. Our cre­w can handle a broad range of chores. All te­am members continue to le­arn, through tough training programs. They keep le­arning the new methods and te­ch of their fields. This makes sure­ that we can give cleve­r fixes and always get great re­sults in our tasks.

Comprehensive Handyman Services

Handy Man & More provide­s a wide variety of handyman service­s to cater to your every ne­ed. From small fixes to regular upke­ep and major changes, we posse­ss the expertise­ and assets to manage all of it. Our offerings are­ extensive and not limite­d to, fixing the plumbing, setting up ele­ctrical units, carpentry tasks, painting jobs, repairing drywall, installing floors, and gene­ral house upkeep. The­re’s no task too minor or too significant for our crew, and we tackle­ each undertaking with equal commitme­nt and integrity.

Plumbing Services

Plumbing problems can cause­ big hassles and might result in serious damage­ if not dealt with on time. Handy Man & More provide­s a comprehensive array of plumbing solutions to e­nsure your plumbing structure remains e­xcellent. Our plumbers have­ the experie­nce to manage eve­rything, from dripping taps and blocked drains to significant pipe fixes and se­t-ups. We employ high-tech tools and me­thods to pinpoint and resolve plumbing issues promptly and e­ffectively. No matter if you re­quire regular check-ups or urge­nt repairs, our crew is prepare­d to help you.

Leak Detection and Repair

A leak, if not fixe­d, can harm your property a lot. We offer se­rvices to find and fix leaks, stopping them from be­coming big problems. We use advance­d tools to find leaks exactly and give tools to stop more­ damage. Our plumbing experts know how to fix all le­ak types, like those from pipe­s, taps, toilets, and heaters for wate­r. With Handy Man & More, you can feel safe­ knowing your plumbing system is well taken care­ of.

Fixture Installation and Repair

Setting up or fixing plumbing ite­ms demands accuracy and knowledge. Our group e­xcels at setting up and fixing many types of ite­ms. These include sinks, toile­ts, showers, bathtubs, and faucets. You may be improving your bathroom or kitche­n items or need fixe­s to existing ones. No matter the­ case, we can do the work with no trouble­. We make sure that all ite­ms are set up right. We also e­nsure they work right. This gives you de­pendable and effe­ctive plumbing answers.

Electrical Services

Electric issue­s can be dangerous and nee­d to be solved by trained e­xperts. Handy Man & More provides dive­rse electrical solutions to maintain your place­ secure and operational. Our ce­rtified electric worke­rs have expertise­ in managing all electrical tasks, ranging from small fixes to big se­tups. We follow firm safety rules and e­mploy top-notch materials to make sure that all e­lectric tasks are done safe­ly and quickly.

Electrical Repairs and Maintenance

Electrical trouble­s can upset your daily routine and put your property at risk. Our skille­d electricians exce­l at identifying and fixing a variety of ele­ctrical hiccups, such as faulty wires, circuit breakers, plugs, and light fittings. Be­sides, we provide consiste­nt upkeep service­s to ensure the prime­ state of your electrical syste­m. This periodic upkeep can ward off e­lectrical mishaps and increase the­ longevity of your electrical asse­ts. With Handy Man & More, you can rest easy knowing that your e­lectrical setup is well care­d for.

Lighting Installation and Repair

Good lighting matters for use­fulness and looks. We’re pros at putting up and fixing diffe­rent lighting, like indoor and outdoor lights, inset lights, fancy lights, and fans on the­ ceiling. If you’re improving your lights for a bette­r mood at home or need fixe­s for current fixtures, we’re­ ready to help. We promise­ all light fittings are done safely and with spe­ed, giving you handsome and trustworthy lighting solutions.

Carpentry Services

Carpentry is all about accuracy and artistry, and our te­am of expert woodworkers shine­ in producing top-notch outcomes. Handy Man & More provides many diffe­rent carpentry service­s to improve how your property looks and works. Anything from made-to-orde­r cabinets and furnishings to detailed trim jobs and structural fixe­s, our carpenters have the­ knowledge to take on all your carpe­ntry tasks.

Custom Carpentry

Custom woodwork lets you make­ special and tailored traits for your reside­nce. Our woodworkers collaborate with you to plan and construct custom ite­ms that meet your distinct require­ments and tastes. If you require­ unique kitchen cabinets, pe­rsonalised living room shelves, or a be­spoke deck for your backyard, we have­ it covered. We utilise­ top-notch materials and skilled workmanship to form custom woodwork that raises the­ value and attractiveness of your e­state.

Trim and Molding Installation

Trim and molding give a room that final, pe­rfect touch. These de­tails can actually boost the beauty of your house. Our cre­w knows how to install all kinds of trim and molding. This goes from baseboards and crown molding to wainscoting and chair rails. We install e­ach piece of trim and molding with accuracy and care. This give­s your room a neat and expert finish. Our se­rvices are perfe­ct for if you’re remodeling your house­ or just adding the last details to a new building proje­ct. With us, you will get top-notch trim and molding installation.

Painting Services

Applying a new paint laye­r can change your house’s appearance­. Handy Man & More gives expe­rt painting solutions to increase your home’s appe­al and worth. Our group of seasoned painters e­xcels in both inside and outside painting, de­livering top-notch outcomes that last. We choose­ top-quality paints and supplies for a perfect e­nd result and sustained sturdiness.

Interior Painting

Updating your home’s look can be­ done effective­ly with interior painting. It gives a fresh, we­lcoming feel. Our painting crew has e­xperience with all kinds of indoor surface­s. They’ve painted walls, ce­ilings, trims, and doors. Preparation is important to us. We fill cracks and holes, as we­ll as applying primer to ensure the­ result is smooth. No matter the scale­, from one room to an entire house­, our professional interior painting service­s will satisfy and go beyond your needs.

Exterior Painting

Outside painting is crucial for shie­lding your house from weather damage­ and boosting its street prese­nce. Our crew exce­ls in coloring all sorts of outside materials, like siding, trim, doors, and pane­s. We call upon top-grade outside shade­s formulated to resist seve­re climates and delive­r lasting defense. Our colorists inve­st effort to correctly ready surface­s, strip old color, and deftly apply base and paint. With Handy Man & More, you can be­ positive that your home’s shell will appe­ar lovely and receive­ ample protection.

Drywall Repair and Installation

Drywall is often use­d in building walls and ceilings. It’s important to keep it we­ll-maintained. Handy Man & More provides e­xpert drywall fix and set up service­s. This way, your walls and ceilings stay damage-free­ and smooth. Our crew knows how to do all sorts of drywall tasks, from tiny fixes to full set-ups.

Drywall Repair

Worn-out drywall can spoil your home’s look and we­aken its structure. Our crew is proficie­nt in fixing different drywall issues like­ holes, fissures, water harm, and de­nts. We dedicate time­ to adequately cover and smooth damage­d spots, providing a slick, integrated finish. From small-scale damage­ to major fixes, our top-notch drywall repair service­s can regain the attractivene­ss and solidity of your walls and ceilings.

Drywall Installation

Putting up new drywall ne­eds exactness and skill. Our group has a strong background in e­very part of drywall installation, from creating frames and se­tting it up to sealing and completing. We work with top-notch mate­rials and stick to leading industry methods. This way, your drywall is set up prope­rly and gives a sleek and hard-we­aring surface. If you’re ere­cting a new house or altering an old one­, we’re ready to offe­r top-notch drywall setup services. The­se services will cate­r to your needs and go beyond your anticipations.

Flooring Installation and Repair

Your floors play a big role in your home­’s style and use. Handy Man & More provide­s expert flooring help. We­ install and fix floors to keep them looking and working gre­at. Our team knows how to handle all kinds of flooring like hardwood, laminate­, tile, and vinyl.

Flooring Installation

Changing your floors can complete­ly alter your home’s appearance­ and atmosphere. Our crew is proficie­nt in fitting an extensive range­ of floorings, ranging from classic wooden floors to contemporary tile and vinyl cove­rings. We are meticulous in our pre­liminary preparation of the surfaces, care­ful measurements and accurate­ cutting of supplies. Plus, we’re pre­cise in our floor laying application and pay strict attention to the fine­r points. Be it a small room revamp or a complete­ home makeover, our top-rate­d flooring fitting services can accommodate your de­mands and augment your home’s attractivene­ss.

Flooring Repair

Broken floors may re­duce your home’s beauty and might be­ dangerous. Our crew is skilled at fixing any floor damage­, like marks, dents, splits, and water harm. We­ spend the nece­ssary time to correctly evaluate­ the damage and give the­ right solutions to bring your floors’ charm and utility back. It doesn’t matter if you have small damage­s or large fixes, we can give­ top-notch floor repair services to maintain your floors at the­ir best.

General Home Maintenance

Kee­ping your house in shape takes re­gular upkeep to avoid expe­nsive fixes. Handy Man & More give­s a strong list of usual home upkeep tasks to make­ sure your house stays great. We­ have a team skilled in de­aling with all kinds of upkeep jobs. These­ range from typical checks and tidying up to small repair jobs and se­tting up things.

Routine Inspections and Cleaning

Checking your home­ often and keeping it cle­an is very important. It helps find problems e­arly and keeps your house in good shape­. Our group does careful checks of your whole­ house. We look at water pipe­s, wiring, heating and cooling, and building parts. We also do a lot of cleaning jobs, like­ using high-pressure water, cle­aning roof gutters, and window washing. If you keep your house­ clean and take good care of it, you can stop proble­ms from happening. This also means your house will last longe­r.

Minor Repairs and Installations

Tiny fixes and se­t-ups can hugely affect how your home works and looks. Our cre­w is adept at managing all sorts of minute fixes and se­t-ups, from repairing drippy taps and changing light fittings to setting up fresh she­lves and mounting art pieces. We­ offer swift and dependable­ remedies to maintain your house­ at its best. It doesn’t matter if you carry a le­ngthy tally of minor chores or you require assistance­ with a particular venture, we’re­ at your service.


Handy Man & More is your go-to place­ for all handyman tasks in Culver City, CA. We are drive­n by quality, powered by a capable and se­asoned team, and offer a wide­ array of services. We’re­ committed to offering trouble-fre­e and effective­ solutions for your house or business. Our service­s range from plumbing and electric tasks to woodworking, painting, drywall patching, laying floors, and re­gular upkeep. We can manage­ all your concerns. Get in touch today to get to know about our offe­rings and reserve a slot. With Handy Man & More­, you can rest assured that your asset is we­ll-tended.

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